Privacy Information

We store only your CDR (Call Data record), nothing else!

We don't store all your private data such as your files, your video, audio meeting, chats or any such data during meeting.

What is CDR (Call Data Record)

CDR is call data record. Its similar to the CDR on mobile, where they store, who connected with whom and which tower etc. In our case, we store, who connected with whom, their identities and the IP location details, connection details / stats,

This data includes all the data which is used to connect one participant to another participant directly. For e.g. meetin is stored in the firestore and with the passowrd, meeting id, password, Google authentication information (email, mobile, name), IP details of both, status of each (connecting, connected etc), the country specific details of IP like the provider, country etc.. It's kept for the records just in case prevailing law requires us to produce only the connacttion from one participant to another. We typically remove this data after a week or before as per the server load.

We do NOT store any other data during the call, unless required by your organization (if organization has purchased it). Such data includes chat, file sharing, video and audio recording, whiteboard, participant idle time vs on screen time, and all such data. It remains only between the participants

All data is secured with Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS). DTLS is a derivative of SSL, meaning your data will be as secure as using any standard SSL-based connection.

If you record a meeting, the recording of the meeting is temporarily stored on Your Browser.

Similar way, everyone's recording is stored on Their Browser. As per your organization's rule, they may want to store this data in the server as its Governed as per your company policy.

AVMeets is purely peer-to-peer, which means the user's video, audio, chat and file is not sent to our server at all.

We use Google Analytics to track aggregated usage statistics in order to improve our service. The maker of AVMeets has no intention of using personally or selling any of the above-mentioned data.

  • We store only the CDR Call Data Record
  • Companies can decide as per their policy, what data they wish to store in their database. the system is flexible to do so.
  • All other data such as the chats (group or private), audio video meeting and recording, whatboard shared, files shared (with group or private) and any such data remains between participants
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